Top 3 Uses for Cloth Tape

Top 3 uses for Cloth Tape
Venhart Cloth Tape is a durable, strong, water resistant and a highly adhesive tape, whilst still being hand tearable. Cloth Tape is available in both polythene coated polyester/cotton and polythene coated rayon, with either a natural rubber adhesive or rubber solvent adhesive. Top 3 uses for cloth tape:
- Widely used in theatre, film production and staging work, such as concerts and performances, for cable management. Used to secure cables and leads for safety precautions, attaching props and other equipment for festivals and live entertainment.
- Industrial activities such as paint and sand blasting where cloth tape is used to cover the areas that do not require stripping or blasting. Venhart Cloth Tape is strong enough to adhere throughout extended industrial treatment and protects welds and seems and other areas that need to be preserved.
- Universally used in book binding, to strengthen and maintain the integrity of printed books and other printed materials.